Marte Veys Berg | Design, strategy & more
AboutWork The Northern Belle | Cover design, 2023 Mattilsynet | Brand strategy, identity, website, 2021–2024 Mattilsynet | Brand strategy, identity, website, 2021–2024 Y Oslo | Signage, wayfinding, 2023Netlife | Brand strategy, identity, website, 2019–2023 Netlife | Signage, 2023 Ucrispe Tider | Editorial design, 2020Vipps | Website, 2019 Vipps | Website, 2019 Amnesty International Norge | Content strategy, website, 2018 Amnesty International Norge | Content strategy, website, 2018 Andre Boller | Identity, website, 2023Ferdigsnakka | Identity, website, 2014 Ferdigsnakka | Poster, 2015 Grønlandsutraen | Book + cover design, 2016 | Website, booklet, posters, 2017Netlife | Poster, 2019 The Salmon | Brand strategy, identity, 2018Silver Lining | Cover design, 2018Silver Lining | Postcards, 2018Ferdigsnakka | Cover design, 2015 14 years of 536 | Content, editorial design, 2014 Fanfare #4 | Editorial design, illustrations, 20143tree project | Design, production, 2012 Fanfare #3 | Editorial design, illustrations, 2013Fanfare #3 | Merch, 2013Tror du at vi noen gang får råd til å kjøpe kjøleskap? | Content, editorial design, 2012
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