Marte Veys Berg | design, strategy & more


Ferdigsnakka is a new Norwegian digital platform for audiobook singles. Combining the best writers with talented musicians — to create a new format consisting of 50 % literature and 50 % music — they aim to give their audience a whole new listening experience. The audiobook singles were released weekly on the website (with cover art and extras; such as interviews, photos, video etc.), and as a podcast.

The project became a collaboration lasting several years, playing with the profile as new needs emerged.

What: Visual identity, website, ads, packaging
Year: 2014–2015
Client: Fanfare AS

My role:
Concept, visual identity, web design, animation, packaging, illustration

In collaboration with:
Mette Landsem – concept, visual identity, web design

Simen Schikulski – website 

Vinyl photos by Shawn Arvind


Ferdigsnakka comes in two versions. Next to the recorded singles there is Ferdigsnakka LIVE, which is an actual attempt to transform literature into a form of concert. At Ferdigsnakka LIVE musicians and authors meet on stage and produce brand new audiobook singles in realtime, making each night unique with never before heard material.

Live photos by Jørgen Nordby

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