Marte Veys Berg | design, strategy & more


Dedicated designer with 10+ years experience in branding, brand strategy, concept development, visual identities, UI, UX and editorial design. Broad experience with both digital and physical products, for clients that range from small arts and culture institutions to large companies and organizations – in various industries.

Diploma (BA level) in graphic design from Westerdals School of Communication. Work experience from Oslo, Amsterdam and New York.

Head of design at Netlife 2020–2022. Jury member at Visuelt (by Grafill) 2022–2023. 

When working (or not) I believe in music, coffee, sunshine, rainy days, the first snow, hard work, good ideas, strong concepts, alone time, togetherness, boredom, storytelling, sharing, the good in people, utepils (google that), the unexpected, late nights, early mornings, fresh air, taking breaks, laughing out loud and more of that.

Get in touch:, @marteveys or linkedin


I’m based in Oslo and am available for freelance work, collaborations or hiring.


I was working as a senior designer at Netlife in Oslo, Norway [2016–2023] and spent my time there divided between branding and UX projects, often in combination. Brand building is closest to my heart, and is the perspective I bring into all projects that I do.

Selected clients: Mattilsynet, Vipps, Amnesty International Norway, Folkehøgskolene, Geodata, Norges Astma- og Allergiforbund, Asker Kommune, Askerbibliotekene, The Salmon, Nortura.


I worked freelance with identity, editorial and illustration projects, mainly in the cultural sector [2014–2016] 
Went on a world tour and had internships in Amsterdam and NYC [2012–2014]
Did some education and had some jobs


Typografiske begreper illustrert — Exhibition at Grafill R21 by Ane Thon Knutsen. Contribution [2022] — Self-initiated exploratory project. Concept development, design, photo, text [2017]
Sofienberg Street Festival — Self-initiatied. Planning, organization, booking and design [2016]
3tree project — Exhibited at Detour Makers Fair, Hong Kong. Design and production [2012]
Please Wait — Exhibition at Grafill R21. Concept development, curating and opening vernissage [2012]


Etisk design (conversation with Finn Myrstad, Forbrukerrådet) — Fagprat med Netlife [2023]
Finding the core of — Drupalcamp Oslo [2020]
Verdien av design (conversation with Wanda Grimsgaard) — Fagprat med Netlife [2020]
Hvordan skape magi i et prosjekt, og få det til å fly(te)? — Frokost med Netlife [2019]
Sånn ca det du må vite om merkevare, design og designere — IGM Webredaktørstudiet [2018]
How to be comfortable with the question: “what the hell are we doing?” — Westerdals Oslo ACT [2018]
How to be comfortable with the question: “what the hell are we doing?” — Ladies, Wine and Design [2018]


Tilbake til tegnebrettet (in english: Back to the drawing board) — Netlife fagblogg [2020] 
Visueltprofilen og alle gutta — Kreativt Forum [2020]
A guide to successful non-planning — Medium [2017]

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